Posts tagged pranayama
Yoga Toolbox: How to Practice PRANAYAMA Breathing Techniques for Vitality and Longevity

The breath may seem so simple, but it is so profound. It is intimately linked to and has a direct influence on the body, mind, and emotions. Breathing techniques like Bhramari Pranayama have also been shown be incredibly effective self-regulation techniques for anyone suffering from anxiety and PTSD. It is no wonder techniques to control and direct the breath have been practiced for centuries, especially techniques to prepare yoga practitioners for the journey inward toward concentration, contemplation, and meditation.

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UJJAYI: Riding the waves of the 'OCEANIC BREATH'

The ujjayi breath is used as a tool to encourage the mind to rest its awareness on the immediate experience unfolding before us. We become a "witness" to the waves of breath continuously coming and going in the present moment of the "here-and-now." Discover the benefits of this transformative breath practice and try it for yourself using the Ujjayi HOW-TO guide.

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YOGA STYLE GUIDE: Find the Type of Yoga Class that is Right for YOU!

SO you've made a resolution to start going to yoga classes, but now you've got to figure out which style of yoga is going to keep you excited and motivated to continue showing up. Whether you're practice yoga to achieve a goal of becoming more flexible, fit, relaxed or disciplined, we've compiled a yoga style cheat sheet based on what you're looking to get out of a class.

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