ELIXIR! Healthy Heart Beet Lemon-Aid Slushie
1 beet
2 lemon
1/2 in. piece of ginger
honey to taste
filtered water
note: opt for organic beets and lemons to avoid pesticides like nitrates, which are readily absorbed by fruits and vegetables.
- helps lower cholesterol
- enhances blood flow
- liver + digestive system
- anti-inflammatory
- antioxidants
- vitamin C
- mineral rich
- folate
“Increased blood flow from the beets along with ginger’s warming qualities that stimulate circulation make this a great all-natural pre-workout drink.”
- Chop your beet into approximately 1 inch pieces.
- Add them with a little bit of water into a blender. (If you have a juicer, you can put your beets into that and keep the juiced beet on the side for the next step!) I like to make my juices by hand, so I always tend to use a cheese cloth to separate the juice from the pulp. If you are juicing manually, continue on to the next step.
- From the blender- pour the beet mixture into a cheesecloth or nut bag and squeeze, squeeze, squeeze as much of the the juice as you can into a new container (TIP: I love to use a mason jar because it has a wide mouth opening and is easy to store as well).
- In your cheesecloth/nut bag, you will be left with the "pulp" of the beet. You can throw this out, we won't be putting this into our lemon-aid slush.
- Juice your lemons separately with a juicer or a citrus hand-juicer.
- Rinse your blender from leftover beet residue. Pour in water, lemon juice, honey and ginger into the blender and pulse.
- Add in your ice to make the slush. Blend to your desired consistency.
- Pour your slush mixture over your juiced beet. Sweeten more or less to taste and ENJOY!