Daily Ritual

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5 Reasons Why Cooking is an Act of Self-Care

Yes, cooking is an act of self-care!

Of course it is. We can’t survive long without sustenance, and the ability to chose what we cook and even who we cook for can be a radical act of self-care. So many of us have lost the time and perhaps even the ability to properly prepare and cook a meal. Many of us no longer cook our own food and rely on take-out, delivery, or someone willing to cook. Too often, we feel rushed to cook and sometimes even too tired to eat! Approaching cooking as self-care means bringing attention and intention to the act of preparing a meal to nourish not only the body, but the mind and spirit.
Here are 5 reasons why cooking is serious self-care:


We become what we feed ourselves. To sustain life, if is important to eat foods that our body can digest, with nutrients the body can use. Our taste buds may really enjoy a certain food, but our stomach may say otherwise! Listen to the body and it will tell you what it needs. Feeling dehydrated? Nourish yourself with a fresh bowl of cut fruit.


Experience happiness in knowing you are nourishing your self. Feed your self food that is going to fill your tank and give you the energy you need to move through the day without stalling or losing gas.  When we don't consciously fuel up, we risk running on empty, on the fumes of our last meal, or the sludge of less than nourishing foods. You have amazing things to share with the world… keep your brain and body well functioning.


Beauty foods are those that contribute to your inner and outer radiance. We truly are what we eat. Whatever we consume is used to sustain the body and its vital functions, including the creation of all cells, including skin cells! Eating from whole, nourishing food sources is like building from the best materials we possibly can. 


Soul food is food that conjures up positive thoughts or heart-warming memories. Eating in the company of good friends or sharing a meal with a loved one can also feed the soul. Using all the senses to enjoy a meal can heighten the experience of it. Whatever you eat, enjoy it. Let eating feel good.


Acts of service are potent forms of self-care and so is showing love. If we have the resources and the means, preparing and cooking meals with intention is a way to not only love yourself, but love those who you share a meal with. Collective meals and home cooking is a powerful way to bless the food and offer out to others.

Originally Published 3/25/2017